WHAT: Students are placed on boats with other women of similar experience. A curriculum of skills and experiences is implemented over the six weeks of class based on US Sailing and ASA Standards (not accredited). Each boat is led by a knowledgeable instructor- most of whom are women!
WHEN: Our kick off event, Sail O Rama, will be held April 3rd in the evening at Totem Yacht Club (Time TBD). Only the water classes will take place Tuesday evenings, April 8th through May 13th. Due to increased demand, additional evenings will be added to accommodate more students. Sometimes boats will add alternate days due to schedule conflicts or weather which may extend the season.
WHERE: TWSA members volunteer their boats that are moored at marinas throughout the region. Students will be assigned to a boat based on their experience and location, to the best of our ability. Boat assignment is announced on the first night of class.
COST: The fee is $250 for current members. For new members the fee is $315 which includes a $65 TWSA membership (required by our insurance company).
REGISTRATION: Open registration begins on February 23rd at noon.
Within your Confirmation Email is an Important Document called "Orientation Flyer." Please read carefully for details prior to our first class on April 9th. Registrants may receive email updates and further information.
DEADLINE: TWSA reserves the right to charge a $25 fee if registration is not paid before March 30th.
CANCELATION: TWSA reserves the right to withhold a $25 cancellation fee. Membership fees will not be refunded.
REQUIREMENTS: Participants must be over 18 yrs of age and provide their own personal floatation device (PFD), appropriate clothes/shoes, and be able to move around on a boat under sail. A more complete list of optional items will be provided on the first night of class.
Students will also be required to purchase their own copy of Sailing Made Easy.
If you have additional questions, please email us.
Come and join the FUN, enjoy the LEARNING, embrace the EXPERIENCE and make new FRIENDSHIPS.
This experience will change your life!