Tacoma women's Sailing Association


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  • Cruising Class

Cruising Class

  • June 04, 2019
  • 6:00 PM
  • June 18, 2019
  • 8:00 PM
  • 821 Dock Street, Tacoma


  • This five evening classroom program will provide an opportunity for you to learn more about what elements of boating you should know in order to safely go out overnight on your sailboat. These are overview topics, not comprehensive.

    Pre-Cruise Checklist - preparation before leaving the dock
    Planning your Cruise - navigation, charts, local knowledge
    When Things go Wrong - weather, emergency plans, medical prep, fixing things.
    Boating Courtesy - ports/docking, anchoring, flags and burgees, VHF and communication
    Creature Comforts - ways to make the trip fun and comfortable
    Participants will be provided a "textbook" on cruising plus additional resources and information for each topic.

    Register by clicking on the botton. Couples should register as one person with two names.

Couple should register as one person with two first names (John and Sally).
Registration is closed

To be held June 4, 6, 11, 13, and 18  at Foss Marina in Tacoma.  In addition, on June 22-23 a hands-on day of anchoring, rafting, and an overnight to Dockton will be offered. 

This five evening class will focus on the important elements to be considered when cruising on your sailboat.  Topics include: what to have onboard, planning your cruise, when things to wrong, boating courtesy, and creature comforts. You will plan a five day trip of your choice.  The ASA Cruising Made Easy book will be provided. 

TWSA meets monthly with Social events. Anyone is welcome to join us at these events.  See the calendar or Events. 
TWSA does not have an office.  Please email us at twsa76@gmail.com.

Mailing Address:
P O Box 112123
Tacoma, WA  98411

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